Earn a Bachelor's Degree in Nuclear Engineering

You will be prepared to tackle challenges of the future using nuclear and radiation-based solutions with your degree in nuclear engineering from Missouri S&T.  

The program focuses on using team-oriented and hands-on experiential methods to show you how to approach and solve engineering challenges. As a nuclear engineering student, you will be uniquely prepared to hit the ground running after graduation.

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Degree Information

Nuclear engineering developed this brochure to assist you with the nuclear engineering program. We provide nuclear engineering job outlooks, program information, suggested course of study, and more.

Nuclear Engineering Undergraduate Brochure 


This flow chart shows the required curriculum for a bachelor's in nuclear engineering, and the typical path students will take starting as a freshman. It also serves as a guide for what courses to take, when to take them, and what course load to expect each semester. 

Undergraduate Nuclear Engineering Curriculum

The program is committed to a strong engineering program administered by highly motivated and active nuclear engineering faculty; it is the only B.S. nuclear engineering degree program accredited in the state of Missouri. The nuclear engineering program at Missouri S&T, one of the earliest ABET accredited undergraduate programs in the nation, interacts with professional societies, national laboratories, and the nuclear industry to promote continuing education, research opportunities, and public dissemination of information about issues and advances in the field.

For more information, check out the university catalog:

Learn More

As an incoming student, you'll work toward completing common freshman year courses while acquiring information to help you determine a major and career. During the first two or three semesters on campus, you will take a set of courses that are required by all engineering departments. After successfully completing the common freshmen year academic requirements, you'll formally apply for admission to the nuclear and radiation science department.

Learn more about the program:


Academic Advisor

As a new Nuclear Engineering student, you will initially be assigned an advisor from the Advising Center.  After completing the common first-year engineering curriculum, your academic advisor will be Mr. Stephen Casey, the staff advisor for Nuclear Engineering and Radiation Science as well as Mining Engineering and Materials Science and Engineering. Your academic advisor will help you navigate planning your coursework, discuss options for selecting a minor, and making sure all your paperwork gets completed on time.  They will also help monitor your academic performance and recommend additional resources to help boost your studies.

You will also be assigned a faculty advisor from NERS.  The faculty advisor is there to help you with career planning, professional development, networking, and so on.  Once you get to know the NERS faculty, you always have the option to request a specific faculty advisor.

Student Support

NERS supports undergraduate students in a wide variety of ways.  All Missouri S&T students have access to the Student Success Center, as well as the Physics Learning Center and Math Learning Center.  In addition, NERS faculty can establish Learning Enhancement Across Disciplines (LEAD) sessions for their courses which serve as supplemental instruction for students struggling in a particular course.

NERS also supports departmental facilities designed to enhance students success.  The student lounge and study area in Room 215 of Fulton Hall is set up for students to work with faculty and each other, either individually or in small groups.  It includes study space, several computers reserved specifically for NERS students, and a 3D printer also reserved for NERS students. 

Because of the small size of the program, there are many opportunities to work closely with the faculty. NERS has an open-door policy and encourages our students to seek out faculty for individual instruction whenever needed.  The department plans several events throughout the academic year to foster collaboration between faculty and students, introduce students to resources available to them, and help students get to know both their faculty and other students.  A key part of these collaborations are our student organizations, which have actively promoted department programs, peer mentoring, and public awareness.


The Grad Track Pathway in NERS offers motivated undergraduate engineering students a means to complete the requirements for their respective BS degrees and MS degrees at an accelerated pace to further improve their career prospects. All engineering students can apply for the grad track pathway in NERS. The benefits of this program include:

  1.  Students may transfer up to nine credit hours of 5000-level or 6000-level engineering undergraduate courses towards their MS degree (thesis or non-thesis).
  2. Graduate courses students take for grad track pathway will be assessed the undergraduate tuition rates.

To qualify for the Grad Track Pathway, students must currently be enrolled in a BS engineering program at Missouri S&T with a minimum GPA of 3.0 (3.5 in their major), and be one year away from graduation.

If you are interested, please contact Mr. Stephen Casey (caseysc@mst.edu) to find out more about the application process, and specific rules for NERS.


Your Career in Nuclear Engineering

As a nuclear engineer, you will develop and promote the use of energy released from nuclear fission, nuclear fusion, and radioactive material.  

Nuclear power plants operating in the United States produce about 20% of our nation's electricity. Nuclear power technology produces about 60% of our nation’s carbon-free electricity, reduces the emission of greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide significantly, and contributes to a cleaner environment. The same technology supports propulsion of US military submarines and aircraft carriers. Radioactive materials are also used in medicine for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes.

undergradaute nuclear career

NERS offers a variety of courses developed in consultation with professionals from industry to give you a jump-start on a particular career path, such as:

Reactor Operations
Power Plant Systems
Monte Carlo Approach to Reactor Analysis
Licensing of Nuclear Power Plants
Probabilistic Risk Assessment
Nuclear Forensics
Applied Health Physics

As a graduate of NERS you can work in almost any engineering career.  However our graduates have found particular success in areas like:

Nuclear reactor design and safety
Plant licensing 
Reactor operation
Fuel management and development
Radioactive waste disposal
Health physics
Medical isotope production
Medical imaging and treatments
Instrumentation and controls
Fusion research
Space nuclear power
Nuclear policy

Graduates with degrees in Nuclear Engineering often work with a variety of companies and organizations, including:

Consulting firms
Non-nuclear component companies
Medical device manufacturers
Industrial measurement manufacturers
Architect-engineering firms
Industrial research centers
National laboratories
Government agencies

See the Undergraduate Student Experience

Information for Future Students