Student Research Opportunities

There are many research opportunities for our students, if you are interested in working with any of our faculty, please reach out to for more information.

OURE Program Overview - The OURE program has been established to expand opportunities for a more active form of learning by students. To encourage the interaction of undergraduate students with faculty. To expand the level of research activity on campus. To be able to demonstrate that teaching and research are compatible and mutually reinforcing.  In the hopes to help recruit superior students into our graduate program.

Expectations of the OURE Experience - Students participating in the OURE program should experience a foundational understanding of how research is conducted in their disciplines and to have a greater understanding of the information resources available and how to utilize these resources. How to interpret research outcomes and learn the fundamentals of experimental design.

Learn more about OURE

The purpose of the OURE Fellows Program is to increase the quality of experiential learning for Missouri S&T students, funding has been made available to support interdisciplinary research projects for undergraduates. "Interdisciplinary" constitutes the combination of two or more academic disciplines or fields of study.

*Please note that this is a competitive program and only up to 6 fellowships will be awarded per academic year.

Learn more about the OURE Fellows Program

All students in Nuclear Engineering will complete documentation of experiential learning in NUC ENG 4438. During the course, the instructor will assign the reflective statement as an assignment to be collected and documented in Canvas.

In the University description of how to qualify for experiential learning, Item number 4 states:

Finally, a significant experiential learning activity will include a written summary reflection piece that will document the experience from the student’s perspective; this written reflection piece should be of a quality suitable for inclusion as an attachment to a co-curricular transcript or in an e-portfolio that might be submitted by the student to potential employers or to graduate school admissions committees.

Suitable and accepted experiences to utilize for experiential learning reflection are listed below. Students in mining engineering can utilize any of the following activities to satisfy the experiential learning requirement:

  • Undergraduate research (OURE projects, NSF Research Experience for Undergraduates, Honors Academy senior research project, etc.).
  • Co-Op and summer internships with national laboratories, nuclear utilities, vendors, nuclear medicine, or other relevant companies.
  • Obtaining a Reactor Operator’s license.
  • Participation in ANS or other relevant design competition to completion.
  • Study abroad program.
  • Leadership positions within student organizations (ANS, NSDT, WiN). Leadership experience must be significant. This type of experience must be endorsed by the other leaders of the organization by signatures of the current officers on the assignment.
  • Year-long leadership involvement experiences (Global Leaders Institute, Chancellor’s Leadership Academy, Student Leadership Conference Chair, Intercollegiate Athletics Team).
  • Significant experience in a leadership role in campus residence halls, fraternities or sororities.
  • Significant experience with intercollegiate athletics.

Any activities which are not specifically listed above will require prior approval for acceptance. The approval must be obtained prior to submission of the experiential learning reflection assignment in NUC ENG 4438.

Experiential Learning Form

Learn more about Experiential Learning at S&T

Dr. Usman’s research employment opportunities